Thursday 6 July 2017

Sistem Perdagangan Korporasi Rumah Kaca

Inisiatif Gas Rumah Kaca Regional (RGGI) adalah program berbasis pasar wajib pertama di Amerika Serikat untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. RGGI adalah usaha kerjasama antara negara bagian Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, dan Vermont untuk membatasi dan mengurangi emisi CO2 dari sektor listrik. Setelah Tinjauan Program komprehensif tahun 2012, negara bagian RGGI menerapkan kapasitas RGGI 2014 baru sebesar 91 juta ton pendek. Cap RGGI CO 2 kemudian turun 2,5 persen setiap tahun dari tahun 2015 sampai 2020. RGGI CO 2 cap mewakili anggaran regional untuk emisi CO 2 dari sektor listrik. Lihat Tinjauan Program untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Negara-negara menjual hampir semua tunjangan emisi melalui pelelangan dan investasi dalam efisiensi energi, energi terbarukan, dan program manfaat konsumen lainnya. Program ini memacu inovasi dalam ekonomi energi bersih dan menciptakan lapangan kerja hijau di negara bagian RGGI. Situs web ini menyediakan portal untuk platform pengguna resmi, aplikasi negara, dan materi untuk peserta di RGGI, serta informasi terkini tentang status pelelangan RGGI dan peraturan negara. Jika Anda ingin menerima pembaruan email pada pemberitahuan pelelangan tunda RGGI CO 2, hasil lelang, dan berita lainnya, berlangganan Mailing List RGGI gratis. Countdown to Auction 35 (Proyeksi Tanggal) 8 Maret 2017: RGGI Inc. adalah sebuah perusahaan nirlaba yang dibuat untuk memberikan layanan teknis dan administratif untuk program perdagangan anggaran Greenhouse Gas Initiative CO 2 dari Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island dan Vermont. Pengumuman Posisi: Asisten Direktur Implementasi Program di RGGI, Inc. NEW DATE untuk Tinjauan Program RGGI Webinar Pemangku Kepentingan: 8 Februari 2017. Materi Pertemuan Baru Tersedia. Pemberitahuan dan Bahan yang Tersedia untuk Lelang 35 pada Mar. 8, 2017ADT Security Systems. Awalnya American District Telegraph sekarang juga dikenal sebagai ADT Fire and Security atau hanya ADT, adalah divisi dari Tyco International dan pemasok sistem keamanan elektronik, sistem alarm kebakaran, sistem komunikasi, dan sistem manajemen bangunan terpadu di seluruh dunia. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Diduga ADT Systems menyusup ke petugas darurat pada 911. Bukti bahwa agen Brown-Balls memasang perangkat pemantauan ADT CO2 di bangunan umum dan sistem transportasi sehingga tanpa disadari target akan memicu ikatan kucing Kaya dengan transmisi nirkabel hukuman mati per Sinyal yang digunakan untuk menghancurkan Menara Kembar WTC pada 911. Perusahaan Lord Michael Ashcroft8217 Hawley, membeli ADT Security Systems pada tahun 1987, perusahaan keamanan elektronik terbesar di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 1989, Lord Mighty Ashcroft8217s ADT Security Systems memperoleh kontrak 45 tahun untuk keamanan Amerika Serikat dan Pemerintah Inggris. Air Line Pilot Association, International (ALPA) adalah perusahaan percontohan penerbangan terbesar di dunia dan mewakili hampir 53.250 pilot di 37 maskapai A. S. dan Kanada. ALPA disewa oleh AFL-CIO dan Kongres Buruh Kanada. Dikenal secara internasional sebagai US-ALPA, ini adalah anggota Federasi Pilot Udara Internasional. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Terdakwa dalam gugatan perdata, McConnell Lapangan v. s. Pilot pesawat terbang Assoc. Intl. Sekarang tertunda untuk menghapus peralatan yang terpasang secara tidak sah dari Boeing dan Bombardier Aircraft. Solusi Pengelolaan Ancaman Nirkabel Airpatrol 8217 melindungi infrastruktur keseluruhan informasi teknologi keseluruhan8212 termasuk infrastruktur jaringan kabel dan nirkabel perusahaan dan laptop yang digunakan di dalam kampus perusahaan dan jauh dari semua ancaman nirkabel. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Putra Nancy Pelosi, Paul Pelosi Jr, berada di Dewan Penasehat Riset Riset Airpatrol dan perusahaan ini diduga mendapat akses ke kode yang digunakan oleh petugas keamanan ADT Security yang sah dan diretas oleh nirkabel ke dalam komunikasi. Sistem pada 911. Serbuk aluminium. Aluminium bubuk digunakan dalam cat dan dalam kembang api seperti bahan bakar roket padat dan thermite. FORENSIC12288ECONOMI: 12288 Pada tahun 1998, perusahaan Bulgaria mengontrak Irak untuk menyediakan berbagai barang penggunaan ganda seperti amonium perklorat, bubuk aluminium, resin fenolik, serat karbon, dan peralatan mesin. Dokumentasi Irak yang telah dipulihkan menyatakan bahwa penggunaan akhir untuk barang-barang ini adalah untuk rudal Al Fat8217h.1228866 ton bubuk nano-aluminium, dikirim oleh perusahaan Prancis untuk digunakan dalam program bahan bakar roket solid-propelan Irak, yang hilang dari Irak Survey Group ( ISG) disiapkan tahun 2003-2004. Ammonium percholate: Ini adalah senyawa anorganik dengan rumus kimia NH4C1O4. Ini adalah garam amonium dan peralkat. Semua perchlorates adalah oksidan yang berpotensi kuat dan propelan komposit, namun amonium perklorat terutama lumpur lumpur berarti mudah atau terus mengalami perubahan kimiawi, fisik, atau biologis atau kerusakan. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pada tahun 1998, perusahaan Negara Bulgaria (Francophonie) mengontrak Irak untuk menyediakan berbagai barang kebutuhan ganda seperti amonium perklorat, bubuk aluminium, resin fenolik, serat karbon, dan peralatan mesin. Dokumen Irak yang dipulihkan menyatakan bahwa penggunaan akhir untuk barang-barang ini adalah untuk rudal Al Fat8217h sesuai dengan laporan Kelompok Survei Irak (ISG). 66 ton bubuk nano-aluminium dan 356 ton amonium perklorat, dikirim oleh perusahaan Perancis untuk digunakan dalam program bahan bakar roket solid-propelan Irak, yang hilang dari inventaris Survey Group (ISG) Irak, disiapkan pada tahun 2003-2004. Bagaimana 66 ton bubuk aluminium dan 356 ton amonium perklorat sampai ke Irak Bagaimana bisa sampai ke New York Dimana bukti yang dikonsumsi atau yang tidak dikonsumsi pergi Anna Louise Strong (24 November 1885 8211 tanggal 29 Maret 1970), sepupu Maurice Kuat, adalah seorang jurnalis dan aktivis Amerika abad ke-20, paling dikenal karena dia melaporkan dan mendukung gerakan komunis di Uni Soviet dan Republik Rakyat Cina. Anna Louise Strong mendirikan surat kabar berbahasa Inggris pertama di Moskow yang disebut The Moscow News. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pandangan genosida yang terkubur di China dan dia bersama suaminya, Joel Shubin dari Rusia, diduga, membujuk Stalin untuk memperkenalkan jatah benih yang menghasilkan empat puluh persen produksi ke negara bagian. Hal ini dituduhkan, para petani dan kulak ini kelaparan sampai mati untuk mengumpulkan asuransi yang ditanggung oleh perusahaan asuransi yang dikenal sebagai Equitable Life of United States di Chicago. AON Corporation. Berkantor pusat di Chicago. Korporasi adalah penyedia jasa manajemen risiko, pialang asuransi dan reasuransi terkemuka dan konsultasi pengelolaan modal dan keahlian khusus dalam underwriting asuransi. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Di Dewan Pengawas untuk Universitas Northwestern di Chicago adalah Patrick Ryan yang juga merupakan ketua AON Corporation. Sean Rooney adalah wakil presiden untuk Risk Management Services di AON Corporation di South Tower dan terbunuh pada 911. Istri Sean Rooney8217, Beverly Eckert, terbunuh di Colgan Flight 3407 pada 12 Februari 2009. Backhaul 8212Dalam jaringan telekomunikasi hirarkis Bagian jaringan 8216backhaul8217 terdiri dari hubungan antara jaringan inti, atau tulang punggung, jaringan dan sub jaringan kecil di jaringan 8220edge8221 dari keseluruhan jaringan hirarkis. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Video dugaan adalah 8216backhauled8217 melalui Northwestern University dan Kellog School of Management dan menambahkan splicing dalam gambar atau adegan, mis. Peter Jennings syuting Olimpiade pada tahun 1972 ketika teroris menyerang atau pada 911. Bell amp Howell adalah mantan mantan produsen mesin gerak di A. S. Peter G. Peterson bermigrasi ke Chicago dan akhirnya menjadi ketua Bell amp Howell Company pada tahun 1963. Peter Peterson adalah seorang alumnus dari dia Kellog School of Management pada tahun 1947 dua tahun setelah Perang Dunia II dan juga merupakan Ketua Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri. FORENSICS EKONOMI: Pernyataan di sini adalah bahwa kamera Bell amp Howell digunakan untuk merekam film tembakau. Yaitu kematian target atau musuh, mis. Pesawat yang ditembak jatuh, pesawat jenazah Joe Kennedy Jugg meledak sebelum dia bisa parasut keluar saat Perang Dunia II yang rupanya difilmkan dengan kamera Bell amp Howell. Pembunuhan Presiden John F. Kennedy dengan kamera Zapruder Bell amp Howell Zoomatic, pembunuhan Sharon Tate, penangan James Earl Rays, seorang pria yang diidentifikasi sebagai Raoul, menginstruksikan Ray untuk memesan kamera film dari Chicago sesaat sebelum pukulan Martin Luther King (tembakau film). Beverly Eckert adalah istri Sean Rooney, wakil presiden AON Corporation yang tewas di puncak Twin Tower Utara pada 911. Hawks Caf percaya bahwa dia mengetahui adanya kecurangan besar ini dan hanya beberapa minggu sebelum kematiannya dia bertemu dengan Presiden Obama. EKONOMI FORENSIK: 12288 Tuduhan di sini adalah bahwa Beverley Eckert terbunuh di Colgan Air 3407 pada tanggal 9 Februari 2009 rupanya karena dia tidak akan menerima penyelesaian keuangan untuk tetap mempertimbangkan 911. Arti penting adalah untuk menentukan apakah suatu malapetaka telah dipicu Tentang penghancuran Colgan 3407 dan tim pembunuh bayaran, sabotase dan pembunuhan yang berasal dari hubungan erat antara bencana malapetaka Bencana Bhopal adalah sebuah kecelakaan industri yang terjadi pada pabrik pestisida yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh Union Carbide (UCIL) di Bhopal , Madhya, Pradesh, India pada tanggal 3 Desember 1984. UCIL adalah perusahaan India di mana Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) memegang lebih dari setengah persediaan. Pemegang saham lainnya termasuk lembaga keuangan India dan ribuan investor swasta di India. EKONOMI FORENSIK: 12288Bernardine Dohrn menggunakan jaringan global 8 (a) 8212USAID untuk membunuh air ke dalam tangki 610 yang mengandung 42 ton metil isosianat. Apakah kehancuran dan hilangnya nyawa memicu ikatan kucing dengan tujuan menghancurkan masyarakat industri dengan para investor dan juga sponsor obligasi kucing yang menguntungkan12288 Hawks CAFE percaya bahwa firma hukum firma Sidley Austin dari Michelle Obama, mengatur pengambilalihan Union16bb atas hutang Union Carbide Corporation dengan menyabotase pabrik pestisida Bhopal pada tahun 1984 dan melampirkan kewajiban palsu ke saham UCC yang didorong ke bawah oleh NBC menyiarkan film tembakau kematian Bhopal dari gas methyl isocyanate (MIC ).12288 Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot 8212Jika ada yang mencoba masuk ke kokpit sebuah Autopilot bisa diaktifkan secara manual atau dengan sensor tekanan yang dipasang di pintu kokpit. Ini akan menghilangkan kemungkinan teroris menggunakan pesawat sebagai rudal yang mematikan. Autopilot 8220uninterpretable8221 akan diaktifkan 8211 baik oleh pilot, oleh sensor papan atas, atau bahkan dari jarak jauh melalui tautan radio atau satelit oleh instansi pemerintah seperti Central Intelligence Agency, jika teroris berusaha mengendalikan dek penerbangan. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pesawat Boeing dan Bombardier ternyata dimodifikasi secara tidak sah dengan sistem komputer ini karena secara otomatis mengambil alih kendali pesawat terbang dalam hal terjadi pembajakan. Diperkirakan pesawat American Airlines Flight 77 diambil alih di atas Samudera Atlantik pada 911 dan menggunakan pembakar SMACSONIC (pembakar) yang terpasang karena isolasi termal, getaran dan suara pada pesawat dinyalakan mengubah pesawat menjadi plasma yang menghancurkan semua bukti. Catatan: Chic Burlingames hanya putri terbunuh dalam sebuah pembakaran. Bullingdon Club adalah klub makan mahasiswa yang eksklusif secara sosial di Universitas Oxford. Bullingdon, yang memiliki George Osborne, Nathaniel Rothschild, David Cameron dan Boris Johnson di antara alumninya, adalah klub dan masyarakat arkeokrat Oxford yang paling terkenal, sebuah daftar yang mencakup Dangerous Sports Club, Assassins, Piers Gaveston Society, George Klub dan Badan Vile. Ini adalah institusi terhormat, semua laki-laki di mana elite sosial Oxford diawali ke kelas penguasa Britains. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Hawks CAFE percaya bahwa Sebastian Grigg dan rekan Bullingdon Club-nya terlibat dalam penipuan terorganisir di Lloyds of London dengan penggunaan orang dalam dari Pusat Penasihat Volcanic Ash, yang dioperasikan oleh Met Office dalam perannya sebagai turunan cuaca dan bencana - Lengan perdagangan obligasi Kementerian Pertahanan Inggris. Tuduhan tersebut adalah orang-orang ini mensponsori penipuan obligasi 911 kucing dan menggunakan Sidley Austin di Chicago sebagai trusteeescrow CDP untuk memberi penghargaan kepada penyabot yang membunuh tim CO2e (Carlton Bartels 8211 Cantor Fitzgerald) di Gedung Pusat Perdagangan Dunia. Agen KSM memiliki bukti bahwa anggota Griggs sesama anggota Bullingdon dan pengacara Sidley menggunakan Canadian Emergency Response Model sebagai pintu balik untuk melakukan hack ke UK Met Office dan komputer virtual Departemen Pertahanan Virtual Weather pada 911 dan memicu obligasi kucing sebagai pembalasan terhadap Lloyds of London untuk Hilangnya kekayaan keluarga selama krisis keuangan tahun 1990an. Business International Corporation (BIC) adalah perusahaan penerbitan dan penasihat yang didedikasikan untuk membantu perusahaan-perusahaan Amerika dalam beroperasi di luar negeri. Pada tahun 1986, Business International diakuisisi oleh The Economist Group di London, dan akhirnya bergabung dengan The Economist Intelligence Unit. BIC telah dikenal untuk digunakan sebagai perusahaan terdepan CIA. BUKTI FORENSIK: Diduga setelah lulus dari Universitas Columbia pada tahun 1983, Barack Obama dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan Business International, sebuah perusahaan yang terkait dengan pengumpulan intelijen ekonomi untuk CIA. Kantor Pers Gedung Putih pada Januari 2010 memperjelas bahwa mereka tidak menginginkan pertanyaan yang timbul mengenai hubungan Obama8217 dengan perusahaan terdepan CIA ini.12288Hawks Caf percaya pada tahun 1984 Barack Obama bekerja untuk Business International Corporation di New York pada proyek-proyek yang dianggap termasuk Bhopal Sabotase di India Camp Mirage. Mirage Logistics Base. Adalah basis logistik Pasukan Kanada yang berada di Timur Tengah di Dubai. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Hawks CAFE percaya bahwa Camp Mirage di UAE adalah basis tindakan sabotase, pembunuhan dan penipuan militer dan paramiliter, yang diduga mencakup layanan pembunuhan kontrak bagi investor dalam 55 triliun Carbon Disclosure Project yang ditetapkan pada 10 Downing Street oleh Gordon Brown dan Ed Balls pada bulan Desember 2000.12288 Hawks CAFE juga percaya bahwa di tahun 80an, Sosialis Fabian yang terkait dengan Dewan Pertamanya Her Majestys, termasuk Pierre Trudeau, Bob Hawke dan psikopat genosida Maurice Strong, mulai membangun sebuah hub Camp Mirage untuk Menyembunyikan gerakan tim khusus senjata al-Qaeda dan taktik melalui rantai pasokan industri katering. Cantor Fitzgerald. CantorCO2e. Adalah penyedia layanan keuangan global terkemuka di pasar energi dan lingkungan dunia (klien yang terlibat dalam penggunaan energi dan pengelolaan emisi) .12288 EKONOMI FORENSIK: Carlton Bartels, yang terbunuh pada 911, menemukan dan memegang hak paten atas sistem berbasis komputer. Untuk simulasi perdagangan karbon otomatis sementara di Co2e dengan mengeluarkan sebuah berita misalnya, di media arus utama untuk melihat efeknya terhadap nilai jumlah karbon dioksida yang dikeluarkan. Pada pagi hari 911 Carlton Bartels mengoperasikan game simulasi ini dan diduga kode administrator simulasi dicuri dan kemudian game tersebut diretas untuk mengambil game dari simulasi ke game yang sebenarnya berjalan. Kapten Charles 8216Chic8217 Burlingame adalah pesawat American Airlines Flight 77 yang seharusnya menabrak Pentagon pada 911 yang membunuh semua penumpang termasuk Kapten Burlingame, awak kapal dan penumpangnya. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pada pagi hari 911, Captain American Airlines Flight 77, Kapten Chic Burlingame8217, diduga, diambil alih oleh seorang pilot Autopilot tanpa gangguan dan sebagai seorang 8216drone8217 dengan Gyrochip GRS 11, yang secara ilegal dipasang di luar undang-undang RICO Amerika, terbang keluar melewati Samudra Atlantik dan diledakkan dengan menggunakan SMACSONIC saat elang 8216insulator8217 viskoelektrik ini dinyalakan sebagai pembakar untuk memutar pesawat terbang, penumpang dan kru ke dalam plasma yang menghancurkan semua bukti yang sesuai dengan parameter lokasi TK KU yang khas seperti yang dibahas oleh Hawks Caf. Kapten Gerald 8216Fish8217 DeConto adalah petugas komando di Pusat Komando Angkatan Laut AS di Wedge One dari Pentagon pada 911 ketika tepat pukul 09:37 sebuah pesawat tak berujung Raytheon Skywarrior A3 merilis sebuah rudal Maverick yang memukul Kapten Gerald DeConto secara harfiah di antara kedua matanya. Ketika Kapten DeConto mengetahui bahwa latihan simulasi berjalan, dia di telepon mencoba memberi izin untuk membalas tembakan sebagai tim 8216blue.8217 EKONOMI FORENSIK: Ketika Kapten Gerald DeConto terbunuh, ini secara efektif mengeluarkan semua komunikasi antara Presiden Amerika Serikat, para Komandannya Dan aset Angkatan Laut AS ditempatkan di seluruh dunia.12288Ada kemungkinan keadaan sesaat dari kebingungan mutlak dan bahkan Jenderal Henry Shelton, Kepala Staf Gabungan sedang dalam penerbangan ke Eropa. Apakah ADT Security Systems memiliki kontrol penuh terhadap kamera keamanan di Pentagon pada dampak FORENSIC EKONOMI: Dipercaya Gordon Brown dan Ed Balls mendirikan Proyek Pengungkapan Karbon di 10 Downing Street pada bulan Desember 2000. Karbon Dioksida (rumus kimia CO2) adalah sebuah Senyawa kimia terdiri dari dua atom oksigen yang terikat secara kovalen dengan satu atom karbon. Ini adalah alat pengatur suhu 8216 pada suhu dan tekanan standar dan ada di atmosfer Bumi di negara ini. CO2 adalah gas bekas yang hanya 0.038 dari atmosfer. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pasar karbon menjadi mungkin ketika lebih dari 30 negara besar secara sukarela mengadopsi jadwal pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca pada sebuah konferensi UNFCC di Kyoto, Jepang pada bulan Desember 1997. Sejak saat itu perusahaan telah merancang cara untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari apa yang dikenal sebagai perdagangan emisi garmen 8216 Dan diperkirakan akan mencapai miliaran dolar di tahun-tahun mendatang. Karbon dioksida pada dasarnya dikonversi menjadi komoditas dan karena semua orang menghembuskan karbon dioksida, akan ada pajak yang dikenakan pada semua orang untuk menarik gas pupuk ini. Sensor Honeywell ditempatkan di pesawat terbang, bangunan dan area umum dimana tingkat Co2 dapat dipantau dari jarak jauh untuk Kepatuhan dan kemudian obligasi kucing yang dipicu untuk pemberlakuan Catastrophe Bonds (juga dikenal sebagai obligasi kucing) adalah sekuritas terkait risiko yang mentransfer serangkaian risiko tertentu dari sponsor kepada investor. Sebuah ikatan kucing dimaksudkan untuk mengumpulkan uang jika terjadi bencana seperti badai atau gempa. Ini memiliki kondisi khusus yang menyatakan bahwa jika emiten (perusahaan asuransi atau perusahaan reasuransi) mengalami kerugian akibat malapetaka tertentu, maka emiten berkewajiban membayar bunga dan membayar pokok pinjaman baik yang ditangguhkan atau dimaafkan sepenuhnya. Berikut adalah penjelasan rinci tentang obligasi kucing dan bagaimana mereka digunakan sebagai kendaraan investasi di pensiun. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Apakah obligasi kucing dipicu untuk melunasi investor dan sponsor dari jenis asuransi yang diadakan di escrow ini sepanjang perjalanan kembali ke perang sipil Amerika, yaitu perusakan Menara Kembar, Badai Katrina dan retribusi yang dibongkar, menghancurkan kapal, Air France 447 , Colgen 3407, Adam Air 574, Ratu Utara, Titanic Cellar Boxing adalah teknik canggih dimana perusahaan besar bisa hancur saat saham mereka menjadi tidak berharga. Tinju cellar bekerja ketika 8220 turun di ruang bawah tanah8221 ada jutaan dan jutaan jika bukan miliaran saham di perusahaan seperti Lehman, Bechtel, Parsons, Boeing, Enron atau Nortell. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pada suatu masa ke depan ketika sebuah kontrak dikirim untuk pembayaran, saham tersebut akan menjadi tidak berharga dengan masuk ke dalam daftar 8220cellar8221 dan menarik keluar sahamnya pada pukul satu persatu per saham, tinju di bawah tanah membuat saham tidak berharga dan disebut sebagai barang bekas Short selling8217 (ilegal di bawah Securities amp Exchange Commission). Hawks Caf menuduh Timothy Geithner, mengembangkan teknik kotak bawah tanah ini untuk menghancurkan masyarakat industri Amerika Serikat dengan mengambil semua perusahaan utamanya dan memenjarakan atau membunuh eksekutif seniornya. Salah satu keberhasilan terbesar yang dimulai dengan penghancuran Lehman Brothers melalui gudang bawah tanah melalui Federal Reserve New York di bawah Timothy Geithner Charlotte8217s Web adalah sebuah sistem yang dikembangkan untuk berkomunikasi antara agen yang tidak terdeteksi menggunakan enkripsi melalui frekuensi ku band yang dibangun oleh rekan McDonald dan Detwiler. Di British Columbia, Kanada.12288 EKONOMI FORENSIK: Diduga demikian, bagaimana para konspirator pada 911 dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain melalui Web Charlotte menggunakan Web band Ku dari frekuensi gelombang mikro yang meninggalkan prinsip-prinsip di luar lingkaran. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) mengoperasikan sistem tutupan dan perdagangan hanya Amerika Utara8217 untuk semua enam gas rumah kaca dengan afiliasi dan proyek global di seluruh dunia. The Chicago Climate Exchange adalah sistem pengurangan dan perdagangan gas rumah kaca dan sukarela yang mengikat secara sukarela untuk sumber emisi dan proyek offset. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Richard Sandor meluncurkan Chicago Climate Exchange atau CCX pada tahun 2003 setelah mendapatkan dua hibah penelitian dari Joyce Foundation yang berbasis di Chicago (2000 dan 2001). Uang itu masuk ke Kellog School of Management di Northwestern University, di Evanston, Illinois, untuk program percontohan Sandors untuk menukar kredit karbon. Exchange Exchange plc adalah sebuah perseroan terbatas yang terdaftar di Isle of Man 8211 sebagai ketergantungan Crown yang mengatur dirinya sendiri dan tempat berlindung keuangan lepas pantai internasional yang terletak di Laut Irlandia, dengan sistem hukum yang sepenuhnya terpisah dari Inggris. Exchange Exchange plc awalnya didirikan di Isle of Man pada tahun 2003 dengan nama Chicago Environmental plc, dan berubah namanya pada tahun 2004. Perusahaan ini memiliki Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE), dan Iklim Eropa Exchange (ECX). Pada bulan September 2007, Climate Exchange plc dan Deutsche Bank meluncurkan perdagangan malapetaka yang menyukai masa depan pada CCFE (IFEX). Richard Sandor (Kellog School of Management), Chairman perusahaan, merupakan pemegang saham mayoritas pemegang saham utama lainnya yaitu Neil Eckert, CEO perusahaan. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Richard Sandor (pendiri CCX, bersekongkol dengan Maurice Strong dan Al Gore) mendirikan Exchange Exchange plc sebagai perusahaan induk lepas pantai Manx, untuk mengelola berbagai bursa berjangka yang dia dirikan, sambil meminimalkan pengawasan resmi. Berbagai kegiatannya melibatkan perdagangan orang dalam pencucian uang (termasuk kecurangan cuaca di masa depan) dan pemerasan peraturan dengan menggunakan emisi gas buang (termasuk CO2) sebagai dalih untuk memonopoli kontrol sumber daya dan industri internasional, sebagian besar atas nama bankir kustodian global. KPMG adalah pemain plc iklim Exchange BNP Paribas adalah bankir utama perusahaan. Bom Bom 8212Torpedo batubara adalah pengecoran besi berongga yang diisi bahan peledak dan ditutupi debu batubara. Ini ditemukan oleh Kapten Thomas Edgeworth Courtenay dan ditugaskan oleh Dinas Rahasia Konfederasi selama Perang Saudara Amerika dan ditujukan untuk menghancurkan transportasi uap Union. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Perangkat paten yang paling awal dikenal yang digunakan untuk kemungkinan memicu pembayaran penipuan asuransi di atas kapal yang diasuransikan. Hawks Caf menuduh perangkat yang dipatenkan dikerahkan dengan sistem sekering yang rumit seperti di lambung yang semakin kompleks termasuk sekering dan sekering tekanan. Tapi yang selalu direkayasa menjadi perangkat yang lusuh adalah hak paten yang sangat menarik karena Hawks Caf pernah berdiskusi sebelumnya tentang bagaimana penggunaan perangkat yang dipatenkan kembali ke Perang Saudara. Agen Mahkota Keahlian Crown Agent ada dalam manajemen keuangan publik yang membantu pemerintah meningkatkan pendapatan, mengelola hutang dan merencanakan pengeluaran secara lebih efektif. Agen Crown pengadaan dan layanan rantai pasokan, bersama dengan layanan pengelolaan perbankan dan aset, membantu memastikan bahwa kekayaan yang dihasilkan dihabiskan atau diinvestasikan untuk kebaikan semua orang. Melalui bantuan teknis, konsultasi dan pelatihan Agen Mahkota membantu mengurangi kemiskinan, memperbaiki kesehatan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Catatan: Ini adalah deskripsi resmi Agen Mahkota yang diambil dari situs web mereka Agen Mahkota persis seperti namanya, agen Yang Mulia Ratu. Didirikan pada tahun 1833 sebagai Agen Mahkota untuk Koloni (Persemakmuran), dan secara historis memainkan peran penting dalam penciptaan dan pengelolaan dari apa yang sejarawan Inggris sebut sebagai Kekaisaran Ketiga. Sementara Lord Palmerston, Cecil Rhodes, Pangeran Edward Albert (Pangeran Kepulauan), dan Lord Milner memberikan teori geopolitik dan ideologi untuk membenarkan kerajaan global Britains, Agen Mahkota menjalankan urusan sehari-hari. Agen Mahkota mencetak perangko dan uang kertas dari koloni yang menyediakan layanan teknik, teknik, dan keuangan yang berfungsi sebagai bankir swasta ke otoritas moneter kolonial, pejabat pemerintah, dan kepala negara bertugas sebagai pelengkap senjata, quartermasters, dan penggajian untuk tentara kolonial FORENSIC EKONOMI : Ada bukti bahwa Crown Agents mendapatkan konten video yang diedit untuk siaran BBC Snuff Film 9118217dengan bantuan kepala dinas Eksekutif Senior Amerika Serikat, termasuk Bronius Cikotas, Kristine Marcy dan Robert Hanssen. Her Majestys Murder, Inc. Saat ini, dapat diamati bahwa Crown Agent memiliki jangkauan layanan - pengadaan senjata, kontrol perbatasan, perbankan lepas pantai - juga sesuai dengan persyaratan administrasi kartel kejahatan terorganisir di dunia. Sebenarnya, tinjauan hati-hati terhadap beberapa aspek yang lebih kotor dari sejarah Agen Mahkota baru-baru ini, menunjukkan bahwa firma tersebut telah menjadi pusat perlindungan British Crowns yang sangat sensitif terhadap kejahatan terorganisir global - apa yang sebelumnya disebut EIR Dope, Inc Agen Crown link yang luas untuk kejahatan terorganisir internasional muncul pada pertengahan 1970-an, ketika perusahaan-perusahaan over-extended portofolio real estat, terutama investasi real estat London, meniup langit tinggi. Pada saat pasar real estat komersial London ambruk, Crown Agent mengelola portofolio aset, pinjaman, dan surat berharga lainnya, yang berjumlah lebih dari 1634 miliar. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa Agen Mahkota tidak mengadakan piagam perbankan, ia memiliki sederetan bank di seluruh dunia, termasuk beberapa pakaian buruk di beberapa tempat rekreasi yang paling terkenal di Persemakmuran. Bank of England melangkah untuk membebaskan Agen Mahkota dengan harga beberapa ratus juta pound - lebih dari satu dekade sebelum pemerintah A. S. akan melakukan bailout serupa dari lembaga simpan pinjam, yang dilanda spekulasi real estat komersial serupa. Runtuhnya portofolio agen Crown Agent real estate menyebabkan tiga penyelidikan pemerintah dan parlemen. Permukaan persekongkolan kriminal yang luas telah dihindari dengan kematian tepat waktu dari salah satu saksi kunci, direktur operasi pasar uang Crown Agents, yang konon meniup otaknya keluar sesaat sebelum dia diadili atas tuduhan korupsi.8221 Cut Out Dalam bahasa spionase adalah perantara, metode atau saluran komunikasi yang saling dipercaya, yang memfasilitasi pertukaran informasi antar agen. Menurut definisi, pemotongan tidak mengetahui sumber atau tujuan informasi yang dikirimkan, atau identitas setiap orang yang terlibat dalam proses spionase. Dengan demikian, potongan yang diambil tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi anggota sel spionase. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Sebuah guntingan misalnya, turunnya pesawat Bombardier Beverly Eckert8217 di Colgan Flight 3407, kecelakaan yang menewaskan Beverley Eckert, awak kapal dan penumpang lainnya, dapat dilakukan agar terlihat seolah-olah karena kesalahan pilot. Contoh terbaik lainnya adalah Captain Chic Burlingame8217 milik American Airlines Flight 77 di mana pesawat tersebut berhasil diklaim sebagai pilot berpengalaman yang membiarkan pesawatnya dikepalai dan diterbangkan ke Pentagon sebagai teroris fundamentalis Islam. Asuransi Petani Mati kadang-kadang digunakan sebagai referensi singkat untuk polis asuransi jiwa yang mengasuransikan karyawan perusahaan dan memberi nama perusahaan sebagai penerima manfaat. Ini berarti perusahaan menerima tunjangan asuransi jiwa saat karyawan yang dicakup meninggal dunia. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Pejuang Pemadam Kebakaran New York memiliki ketertarikan pada asuransi jiwa terhadap petugas pemadam kebakaran yang naik ke menara pada 911. 8216Dead farmholder1717 asuransi membayar pengusaha sebuah rejeki nomplok yang bebas pajak ketika karyawan meninggal. Penanggung telah menjual jutaan kebijakan kepada perusahaan dan mungkin juga kepada manajer dana pensiun termasuk New York Fire Fighters Pension Fund. Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa yang setara didirikan oleh William Hyde. Perusahaannya menangani asuransi dan reasuransi asuransi jiwa untuk orang-orang yang dikebumikan di kamp konsentrasi Nazi. EKONOMI FORENSIK: Selama Perang Dunia II dicuci dengan uang melalui pasar keuangan internasional terbagi antara Nazi dan capos mereka yang disebut di asuransi jiwa internee8217. Perusahaan hukum Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa yang setara adalah Sidley Austin. Escrow adalah akun yang didirikan oleh broker, berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang lisensi, untuk tujuan memegang dana atas nama pokok broker atau orang lain sampai terjadi penyempurnaan atau penghentian suatu transaksi. EKONOMI FORENSIK: escrow dipercayakan dengan uang dari dua pihak, investor dan sponsor obligasi kucing dan peraturan dimana uang tersebut ditransfer dari satu sisi ke sisi lainnya. Sidley Austin adalah salah satu firma hukum yang memegang uang pelarian yang diinvestasikan dalam obligasi kucing. Hal tersebut dituduhkan Madelyn Durham, nenek Barack Obama8217, saat bekerja di First Bank of Hawaii disebut Ratu Bersantai Queen.8221 82201 Explosive velocity. Juga dikenal sebagai kecepatan detonasi, adalah kecepatan di mana gelombang kejut depan bergerak melalui peledakan yang meledak. Ini adalah prediksi kasar berdasarkan teori perilaku gas. Dalam prakteknya sulit untuk diukur. Kecepatan eksplosif selalu lebih cepat daripada kecepatan suara lokal dalam materi. FORENSIC12288ECONOMI: Bila kolom menara kembar hancur oleh kombinasi campuran termate, thermate, nano-aluminum powder dan ammonium percholate (pengoksidasi kuat), pencurian diuapkan dan betonnya dibubarkan. Hal ini tampaknya menjadi deskripsi yang paling akurat untuk penghancuran fisik dari beton dan pencurian. Kecepatan peledak dari beberapa bahan ini telah menghubungkan kecepatan hingga 20.000 kaki detik sehingga menghasilkan ledakan piroklastik. Bahan-bahan ini memiliki ledakan waktu yang singkat dengan energi yang sangat tinggi karena yang dicapai adalah dengan termodinamika mengejutkan beton dan mencuri dengan menghancurkan ikatan antara massa molekul. Fabian Society adalah gerakan sosialis intelektual Inggris, yang tujuannya adalah untuk memajukan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi sosial melalui gradualis dan reformis, bukan revolusioner. in honour of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus (nicknamed Cunctator, which means the Delayer, thus Fabianism is gradualism.12288Came out of the London School of Economics which has been scientifically planning society including the support of eugenics by way of sterilization. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The Fabian Society has three global goals, one is to centralize credit in the hands of the Fabians which they8217ve done with this huge fund at 10 Downing Street which has fifty-five trillion dollars in it parked in the Carbon Disclosure Project. The Fabian8217s goal is to centralize credit with the state and control spending, lending and taxing and in fact, they want a global carbon tax in the global common so everyone pays them for the right to breath out. The second is to have global governance through a global elite of teachers at university level.12288 And the third is eugenics, that is, the depopulation of the earth through sterilization, or abortion, or genocide. Fabians are known most amongst the Oxford-educated Rhodes Scholars. The Fabians just had a conference in early 2010 which the Prime Minster of Britain, Gordon Brown, gave a keynote speech in which 700 delegates were in attendance. FC-KU Crime Scene (FC stands for Femme Comp and KU stands or the KU band microwave frequencies): When these four letters are said together it really does sound like what the 8216Chicago cabal8217 are yelling at the rest of us. FC-KU to the world in general because this automated military grade killing machine is going to exterminate us like bugs if we don8217t pay protection money for the right to breath. The best evidence at these crime scenes where no human remains are found are usually teeth as the Abel Danger Team has discovered. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: People travel in aircraft, and whether people travel in Bombardier, Embraer, Airbus or Boeing Aircraft, the fact is, if people have been linked up to what Hawks Caf and Captain Sherlock call the FC-KU crime scene, anyone of them can be destroyed in mid-air, or flown in such a way that it looks like the aircraft hasbeen hijacked. Those responsible for the crime and who are responsible expoliate the crime scenes, which is a technical term meaning they don8217t want investigators12288to investigate crime scenes to find out who did it and how it was done and that critical evidence is taken out. It is imperative to remove evidence from FC-KU crime scenes, e. g. Pentagon, New York Twin Towers, Colgan 3407, Kenya Air 507, Air France 447, Adam Air 574. Femme Comp Inc provides Modeling and Simulation Services, Communications Engineering, Computer Software Development, Satellite Communication Systems, Computerized Simulation, Engineering Simulation, Modeling Services. Located in Chantilly, Virginia. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Evidence suggest Femme Comp Inc has taken over the functions of the CIA Special Activities Division which is responsible for sabotage, assassination and propaganda. It is speculated Femme stands for 8216feminine8217 and Comp stands for the French 8216 comprimis . Francophonie ( Organisation internationale de la Francophonie - OIF) is an international organization of polities and governments with French as the mother or customary language, wherein a significant proportion of people are francophones (French speakers) or where there is a notable affiliation with the French language or culture.12288The organization comprises 56 member states and governments, 3 associate members, and 14 observers. FORENSIC12288ECONOMICS: Francophonie Member States Trading with Saddam ISG identified companies in seven countries willing to engage in unsanctioned trade with Saddam before 911: Syria, Turkey, South Korea, China, France, the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. The Francophonie Swiss bank UBS, bribes the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with 100 million to forget US742 million in new banknotes sent to Saddam post 911. Front de Libration du Qubec (Quebec Liberation Front) was commonly known as the FLQ and was a left-wing nationalist and socialist paramilitary group in Quebec, Canada, active between 1963 and 1970, which is widely regarded as a terrorist organization. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Bernardine Dohrn went to Cuba with members of the Front de Libration du Qubec and they taught Castro, how to build a school of terrorism, saboteurs and assassins. It is alleged Castro built the school of terrorism, saboteurs and assassins that deployed people to kill the Jewish athletes in the Munich Olympics of nineteen seventy-two. The newscaster Peter Jennings was in Munich being called there from Beirut and he is the news person who immediately began stating it was 8216Black September8217 without any basis whatsoever to make such claims except that it was the same technique to blame Al Qaeda immediately after the first aircraft plowed into the North Tower on 911 when nobody had even heard of Al Queda prior to this. It should be understood that when British diplomat, James Cross, was kidnapped by the FLQ in 1970, his release was negotiated and on December 3, 1970, five of the terrorists were granted their request for safe passage to Cuba by the Government of Canada after approval by Fidel Castro. Fuel Air Bomb is a thermobaric weapon, which includes the type known as a 8220fuel-air bomb8221, is a highly explosive weapon that produces a blast wave of a significantly longer duration than those produced by condensed explosives. This is useful in military applications where its longer duration increases the numbers of casualties and causes more damage to structures. FORENSIC EVIDENCE: Hawks Caf alleges Northwestern University researched the development of a fuel air bomb that could be pumped into the HVAC system of a building which would be the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems Was an explosive dust blown into the ventilator system of the elevator shafts in the Twin Towers and a detonable cloud created (Please do a search on Youtube using Fuel Air Bomb. Note: This term will be expanding as more evidence becomes available. Was Professor Hani Mahmassani while at the Northwestern University Transportation Center involved in the feasibility of designing and using fuel air bombs Genocide 8212referring to the Armenian genocide, Kenyan genocide, the concentration camps in Germany during World War II, Holodomor terror famine in the Ukraine for our analysis as it relates to insurance and reinsurance. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The question remains, why weren8217t the trains being used to transport Jews, gypsies, criminals, dissenters to the Nazis being sabotaged on the way to the concentration camps The allegation is that Equitable Life Insurance Company out of Chicago was writing the life insurance contracts on these prisonersvictims. InterContinentalExchange (ICE) 8211 founded in May 2000 8211 operates Internet-based global futures exchanges, clearing houses, and over-the-counter (OTC) exchanges for agricultural, credit, currency, emissions, energy, and equity index markets. In June 2001, ICE acquired the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) 8211 now ICE Futures Europe. In 2003, ICE partnered with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) to host its electronic marketplaces. In April 2005, the ICE portfolio of energy futures went fully electronic in November 2005, ICE became a publicly traded company. In 2007, ICE acquired the New York Board of Trade (NYBOT), ChemConnect (a chemical commodity market), and the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange it also made an unsuccessful 9.9 billion bid for the Chicago Board of Trade, which was instead acquired by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). In 2009, ICE US Trust, LLC 8211 a New York limited liability trust company 8211 became a member of the Federal Reserve System and received regulatory approval from the Feds Board of Governors to serve as a clearing house and central counterparty for credit default swap (CDS) transactions. In April 2010, ICE bought CCXs owner Climate Exchange plc. which also owns the European Climate Exchange (ECX). ICE is headquartered in Atlanta, with offices in New York, London, Chicago, Winnipeg, Calgary, Houston, and Singapore it advertises unprecedented price transparency and a 3 millisecond transaction time in its futures markets 8211 the fastest in the industry. Jeffrey C. Sprecher is Founder, Chairman of the Board, and CEO Scott A. Hill is Senior Vice President and CFO. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: In the wake of the Climategate scandal, mounting public skepticism, and a weak carbon market. Richard Sandor and the other Climate Exchange plc shareholders (principal shareholder: Invesco ) opted to cash out to InterContinentalExchange for approximately 604 million. The Chicago Climate Exchange and its satellite exchanges failed miserably to gain traction in the American market. How abject was the CCXs failure Prices for emissions allowances have plummeted from over 7 dollars per metric ton in May 2008 to a current price of 10 cents per metric ton. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a major agency of the United Nations, codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Canada. It is alleged the International Civil Aviation Organization was organized and set up under Maurice Strong in Montreal, Canada. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Was this organization piggy backed or hired to trigger catastrophe bonds for the MET office trustees of the virtual weather network and the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center set up by Maurice Strong to enforce climate change rules adopted by the Montreal-based United Nations Civil Aviation Organization8221 Emissions from international aviation are specifically excluded from the targets agreed under the Kyoto Protocol. Instead, the Protocol invites developed countries to pursue the limitation or reduction of emissions through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This organization maintains standards for aircraft and airline identification and passport identifiers. INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) is an organization facilitating international police cooperation between currently 188 countries with an annual budget of 59 million dollars. It was established as the International Criminal Police Commission in 1923 and adopted its telegraphic address as its common name in 1956. The organizations headquarters are in Lyon, France. It is the second largest international organization after the United Nations. Its current Secretary-General is Ronald Noble, formerly of the United States Treasury. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The allegation as far as Hawks Caf, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger is that, INTERPOL, and the New York Police Detectives Fund for that matter, have legitimate career people who might be compromised because their pension funds held with these organizations might be placed on the 8216winning side8217 of catastrophe bonds when a bond is triggered through Charlotte8217s Web. The Joyce Foundation was established by Beatrice Joyce Kean in 1948 after accumulating hundreds of millions of dollars in the lumber industry (via family-owned timberlands, plywood and saw mills, and wholesale and retail building-material distribution facilities). FORENSIC ECONOMICS: A notable recent member of the Joyce Foundations Board of Directors was Barack Obama. While Obama was a director of the Joyce Foundation, the Foundation issued a 347,600 grant to Richard Sandor 8220to design a mid-western pilot program for the voluntary trading of carbon dioxide and other emissions that cause climate change, with the goal of answering methodological questions and resolving operational issues.8221 (2000) a 760,100 grant to the J. L. Kellog School of Management at Northwestern University, working with Sandor, to fund the design of the Carbon Climate Exchange, otherwise known as the CCX. (2001) The President of the Joyce Foundation in 2000, when the foundation made its first grant to the Climate Exchange, was Paula DiPerna, who is now executive vice president of the Chicago Climate Exchange in charge of corporate recruitment and public policy, as well as president of CCX International. DiPerna left the foundation in November 2001 and joined the Exchange. It was the same year in which the foundation gave its second and much larger grant to the exchange. The Exchange launched in 2003. Kaya Cat Bond 8212There are online carbon calculators that are based on work done by Professor Yoichi Kaya. Kaya derived a straight-forward theorem and equation known as the Kaya Identity that can relate carbon emissions with the population growth, carbon content (or intensity) of the energy we use, the GDP per capita (gross domestic product or wealth per citizen), cost of energy (watts per dollar), and carbon per watt (or how dirty the emissions are for every watt of energy we use). FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Hawks CAFE believes Gordon Brown and Ed Balls set up the Carbon Disclosure Project at 10 Downing Street in December 2000 to apply Kaya Identity and IPACT cat bond algorithms to trigger and then conceal genocides at FC-KU crime scenes. KSM agents have evidence that Brown-Balls agents installed ADT CO2 monitoring devices (possibly Honeywell Co2 sensors) in public buildings and transportation systems so unwitting targets would trigger Kaya cat bonds with the wireless transmission of a death sentence per the signals used to demolish the WTC Twin Towers on 911. In the period 20002001, Barack Obama and Richard Sandor developed Kaya-Identity input caps to be used by trustees acting for Carbon Disclosure Project sponsors such as the BBC Pension Trust, to trigger cat bond frauds on unwitting investors. The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies.12288 FORENSIC ECONOMICS: In order for the aircraft to receive and send signals which allow for remote operation, an aircraft must have a Ku band antenna. The Ku band is in the microwave frequency and is primarily used for satellite communications. When used on aircraft, it allows for in-flight entertainment and internet communication. Also, this might be the band used to backhaul the snuff films out of for example, the Pickton Pig farm in Canada, the Munich Olympic Games in 1972, or on 911. Letters of Marque and Reprisal 8212A letter of marque is an official warrant or commission from a government authorizing the designated agent to search, seize, or destroy specified assets or personnel belonging to a foreign party that has committed some offense under the laws of nations against the assets or citizens of the issuing nation and has usually been used to authorize private parties to raid and capture merchant shipping of an enemy nation. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: One alternative to action against these financial terrorists operating out of New York, London and Chicago who have attacked the U. S. and other countries, and are threatening further attacks, is to enact Letters of Marque and Reprisal. Article I, Section 8, paragraph 11 of the U. S. Constitution authorizes Congress to grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water. Using a Letter of Marque to seize assets of signatory investors in the 55 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project especially its custodians and return the money to its lawful owners apparently stolen from federal, state or local employee pension funds not to mention sophisticated ponzi schemes to destroy companies and steal wealth. Livery Company. The 108 livery companies are nominally trade associations based in the City of London, almost all of which are known as the Worshipful Company of the relevant trade or profession. The medieval livery companies originally developed as guilds and were responsible for the regulation of their trades, controlling, for instance, wages and labour conditions. Some livery companies continue to have a regulatory role today (for example, the Scriveners), and some have become inoperative except as charitable foundations (for example, the Longbow Makers). Most livery companies, particularly those formed in recent years, are ostensibly social and charitable organizations. The 108 Livery Companies have been listed at Abel Danger blog including the first twelve great livery companies. The active livery companies play an important part in social life and networking in the City of London, and have a long history of cultural patronage, and control of the City Corporation (which still functions as a Local Authority with extensive local government powers). FORENSIC ECONOMICS: An analysis of history based upon recent discussions among Hawks Caf, Captain Sherlock and the world-wide team of agents collectively known as 8216Abel Danger8217, have pieced together an alternative understanding of events going back hundreds of years, traced to the City of London up until the events culminating on September 11, 2001. Research of evidence and connections reveals that the Crown Agents8217 Sisters infiltrated saboteurs, assassins, torturers and spies into a wide range of City Livery companies in preparation for 8216the first live-broadcast mass snuff film in human history8217 Thomas Barnett) on 911 where a Thuggee () strangler8217s scarf was placed at the United 93 crime scene either as a signature, a boast or a warning. Have Crown Agents8217 Sisters utilize a Promis software backdoor into Oracle Partner networks so illegals can be infiltrated or exfiltrated through crime scenes by mercenaries hired through City of London8217s Guild and Livery Companies Lloyds of London is a British insurance and reinsurance market. It serves as a meeting place where multiple financial backers, underwriters, or members, whether individuals (traditionally known as Names) or corporations, come together to pool and spread risk. Unlike most of its competitors in the insurance and reinsurance industry, it is not a company. The Society of Lloyds was incorporated by the Lloyds Act 1871. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: For over 150 years have Bellingdon associates defended family fortunes by hiring lawyers to arrange insurance frauds through Lloyds of London and paying saboteurs with money laundered through the US Patent office It is thought that Sebastian Grigg (previously at Goldman Sachs as their media investment manager and who launched the SCREAM network just in time for what Thomas P. M. Barnett called, the world8217s first mass snuff film in history8221) and his Bullingdon associates defrauded Lloyds of London Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre operated by Met Office as a cat-bond trading arm of the U. K. Ministry of Defense. The allegation is Lloyd8217s of London are either witting or unwitting underwriters of these catastrophe bonds.12288There is circumstantial evidence that Met (Meteorological) Office agents used the Montreal Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre network on 911 to trigger the Bullingdon (named after the Bullingdon Club) catastrophe bonds and defraud Lloyds. In 1996, Lloyds tried to settle all litigation arising from the multibillion-pound losses its investors suffered in the late 1980s and early 1990s. During the 1990s, claims for asbestos-related diseases dating back to the 1940s had flooded Lloyds after the US courts began ruling that someone who had been exposed to asbestos could claim, regardless of whether or not they had any symptoms of illness and this amounted to a huge liability Lloyds couldn8217t cover almost driving them into bankruptcy. We8217re talking about billions of dollars in losses and an insurance scam. MacDonald, Dettwiler amp Associates Ltd is a Richmond British Columbia-based Canadian aerospace, information services and products company employing over 3000 people throughout Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Encryption system built by McDonald Dettwiler amp Associates located in British Columbia, Canada using it in Charlotte8217s Web as an airborne internet with encryption which allows conspiratorsagents to talk to each through the Ku microwave band frequency while cutting out the principles involved. Air Force Major General David Franklin Wherley scrambled F-16 fighters over the skies of Washington D. C. for protection on the morning of 911. FORENSIC EVIDENCE: The Metro train General Franklin and his wife were traveling on experienced problems with a computerized automated system and the train General Wherley and his wife were passengers on slammed into the back of a stopped train. This was the worst accident in the history of the Metro rail in Washington. Questions that need addressing: Was the trains automated computer system hacked into and sabotaged12288Did the Sabre Reservation System alert an assassination, mercenary and operations team to General Wherley8217s travel on this train Were cat bonds triggered on the destruction of this train Mau Mau ceremonial rites were ceremonial blood rights observed by Maurice Strong when he was in Kenya during the 1952 time frame and related to the Mau Mau terrorist group. The Mau Mau ceremonial rights, it is alleged, also included oath taking ceremonies that included infanticide. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Maurice Strong8217s papers archived at Harvard University depict the most horrendous descriptions of blood oath rituals taken by the Mau Mau tribe in Kenya to force allegiance to the culttribe. The allegation is that Maurice Strong either participated in, witnessed, organized, designed or choreographed these rights using them to solidify cooperation with the global warming agenda which has been euphemistically referred to as a 8216religion.8217 It is also suspected Kenya is where the United Nations Environmental Movement was launched. Mens rea: In criminal law this term 8211 which is the Latin term for 8220guilty mind8221 8211 is usually one of the necessary elements of a crime. The standard common law test of criminal liability is usually expressed in the Latin phrase, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea. which means the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind be also guilty. Thus, in jurisdictions with due process, there must be an actus reus accompanied by some level of mens rea to constitute the crime with which the defendant is charged. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The basis of the 8220guilty mind8221 as has been discussed is related to the entire global warming fraudulent science which is being exploited to possibly pave the way for enormous profits in the trillions of dollars based on 8216climate change8217 investments. This may well turn out to be the biggest financial fraud in the entire history of the world. The 8216guilty minds8217 of the people responsible for these fraudulent catastrophe bonds, or even the current gold sales fraud with J. P. Morgan. Meteorological Office (MET Office) 8212The first MET Office is located in London. The United Kingdom MET Office which has been going since 1854. In 1854 the MET Office was started with the Board of Trade under Robert Fitzroy as a service to mariners. FORENSIC ECONOMCS: Hawks Caf, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger have evidence that Met Office agents use bogus dimming (cooling) effects of a virtual volcanic ash plume to trigger violations of CO2e emission caps at FC-KU crime scenes 8211 such as the WTC buildings on 911 8211 and reward saboteurs who terminated () the violators with a share in the proceeds of cat bond claims filed on behalf of Bullingdon cat bond sponsors by the Sidley Austin law firm against the witting or unwitting underwriters at Lloyds of London. Lloyds of London is probably one of the most sophisticated intelligence operation in the world. Mindbox is a sophisticated software created by Countrywides internal development team, using MindBox8482 ART Enterprise artificial intelligence software, CLUES has helped increase productivity, improve underwriting efficiency and accuracy, enhance customer service, and cut costs for Countrywide. MindBox was developed in a joint venture between Paul Pelosi Jr. at Countrywide and David Emerson, a director of Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates, the Canadian company which built the Instrument Approach Procedures used to guide al-Qaedas () hijacked planes on 911. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Sophisticated software for automated debt recovery, MindBox automated micro-loan network which it is alleged rewards contract killers who survive the attack. Investigation reveals that contract assassins are arranged to be hit like in the 1972 Munich Olympic contract hits. It is also alleged in 1992 Sidley Austin appears to have instructed MDA-Countrywide to begin development of MindBox automated tontine loan recovery from SidleyAXA Equitable life and property insurance on victims and borrowers. MindBox holds escrow funds and are paid out accordingly. An apt description of this sophisticated system would be a 8220an automated military grade killing machine8221, or, killing by the numbers. Misprision of Treason is an offense found in many common law jurisdictions around the world having been inherited from English law. It is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it to a proper authority. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Are politicians compromising themselves when they do not or refuse to identify criminality that could potentially be treasonous related to financial crimes and 911 and could be charged with this offense This is a rhetorical question, of course they are. Nano-aluminum powder: Is a very fine particulate powder which enhances energy when combined with other materials. Two types of 8216Special Weapons8217 use: nano-aluminum powder (10Al 6 NH4ClO4 8594 4 Al2O3 2 AlCl3 12 H2O 3 N2) and thermite for incendiaries (Fe2O3 2Al 8594 Al2O3 2Fe heat). FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Iraq appears to have sent 66 tons of nano-powder in the form of thermite incendiaries or rocket fuel cluster bombs for delivery to U. S. through al-Qaeda8217s Francophonie trade networks. Mycroft Holmes: Is the older brother of Sherlock Holmes. An Imperial Brain Trust associated with an alleged fictional Diogenes Club located in London and created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and featured in several Sherlock Holmes stories. Is there a Mycroft imperial brain trust operating though Serco and the British Foreign Office working through war rooms set up in hotel rooms for example like at the Langham Hotel FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Alleged the MI-3 Mycroft Innholders have an Imperial brain trust and did they hack into Gareth Williams network to have him tracked and snuffed by Wi-Fi Pride after he attended Black HatDef Con 18 security conferences in Las Vegas in July 2010. Serco government insiders acting as Mycroft to equip Pride-friendly hotels with Wi-Fi war rooms for the spot-fixing body count of heterosexual obstacles to the Bilderberg Hotel drive towards: 8216Supranational sovereignty of a homosexual elite and world bankers8217. MI-3 Innholders Livery Company war rooms (Imperial Brain) connected to aMycroft spot-fixing service for Pride (LGBT) guests and staff of the Langham Hotel Group who allegedly bet on heterosexual body counts associated with Serco8217s Wi-Fi bombing attack on the London Underground on 77. Nano-thermite: Nano-thermite is also called super-thermite and is the common name for a subset of Metastable Intermolecular Composites (MICs) characterized by a highly exothermic reaction after ignition. Nano-thermites contain an oxidizer and a reducing agent, which are intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. MICs, including nano-thermitic materials, are a type of reactive materials investigated for military use, as well as in applications in propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics. FORENSIC12288ECONOMICS: Nano-powder (Al) and rust (Fe2O3) will result in thermite. Thermite and a sulfurcopper igniter will result in thermate. This can reaches 4300 Fahrenheit in 4 seconds and liquefies steel. The New York City Fire Department Pension Fund (FDTF) provides pension benefits for full time uniform employees of New York City Fire Department. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: A lost tape of lost voices ignored until recently by investigators studying the emergency response on September the eleventh shows that firefighters had climbed far higher into the south towers then practically anyone had realized. At least two men reached the crash zone on the seventy-eighth floor where they went to the aid of grievously injured people trapped in a sprawl of destruction, until the buildings final minutes, one of the firefighters, Battalion Chief Oriah J. Palmer and the other was Fire Marshal Ronald P. Bucca. Battalion Chief Oriah J. Palmer was organizing the evacuation of people hurt by the planes impact and he was accompanied by Fire Marshall Ronald P. Bucca. City fire officials simply delayed listening to a 78 minute tape that is the only known recording of firefighters inside the towers.12288The question then becomes, were these firefighters intentionally set up to be killed because they were expert witnesses to what exactly happened in the buildings and how they were brought down What was the payout on their insurance claims as New York City Firefighters Were their officials who were higher up compromised because their pension fund benefited from the death of these two firefighters and the deaths of 341 other firefighters as well Northwestern University Chicago8212Hawks Caf, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger believe that Northwestern University is at the apex of what has been called a 8216global murder for hire network.8217 FORENSIC ECONOMICS: If Northwestern University is front and center of this global murder for hire network are the profits from whacking a plane and a total loss of its hull and passengers paid or laundered through what are known as 8216catastrophe bonds8217 into the pension funds of investors These are incredibly serious allegations and have enormous implications. One of those investors being Northwestern University through the Teachers Pension Fund. OODA loop (for observe, orient, decide, and act ) is a concept first applied to combat operations. In pilot (attributed to Col John Boyd) talk it is getting the advantage on the opponent by processing very rapidly through all available human and technological capabilities including electronics, radar, speed, agility, hand and eye coordination all within sometimes seconds to achieve the advantage in destroying the opponent first. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The guilty parties know that they are intellectually had and that they can be penetrated electronically and intellectually. Hawks Cafe, Captain Sherlock, Abel Danger humbly and very calmly say, While they8217re tracking us we8217re tracking them and he who tracks best and fires first wins. With God speed. Oracle Corporation. Oracle originates from the name of a CIA project. Billionaire Larry Ellison worked on a CIA project with the code-name Oracle: He Larry Ellison dropped out of the University of Chicago in the 1960s, headed to Berkeley, Calif. and by the mid-1970s began working on a database project. Code name: Oracle. Client: the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1977, Ellison founded the company with Robert Miner and Edward Oates, naming it after the CIA job. There are other publications that suggest that the CIA did more than just lend the name Oracle, and they suggest that the CIA gave Ellison the Oracle software, after it was stolen from Russia: Ive chosen to publish his theory on Oracles origin - in other words, how CIA stole the source code from the Russians, who had developed it originally FORENSIC ECONOMICS: There is evidence that Crown Sisters Kristine Marcy and Jamie Gorelick served as handlers for convicted Soviet () spy Robert Hanssen who allegedly integrated Promis tracking software with Oracle Partner financial networks to move illegals through or around the Lockerbie, 911 and BP British Petroleum crime scenes. Are Oracle financial networks being utilized by Gorelick and Marcy to track illegals, bombs and evidence through crime scenes such as the sites of the Pan Am Flight 103 crash near Lockerbie in 1988 or the explosion on the BP-chartered Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in April this year. On September 13, 2001, Larry Ellison, chief executive officer (CEO) of Oracle, sent an email to Oracle employees. In this email, Ellison praised Todd Beamer for Todds heroic actions in fighting the terrorists and in stopping the plane from reaching its destination in Washington DC.12288There was just one problem. No authority from United Airlines or from the government had yet announced to Todd Beamers family or to the public that Todd Beamer had been involved in fighting the terrorists. In fact, Lisa Beamer was told by a United Airlines employee in the evening of 9142001 that the FBI had just publicly released information about Todds heroics. So, Lisa Beamer wondered, how did Larry Ellison know about Todds heroics one day before the FBI released the information to the public12288Maybe Larry Ellison helped the US Government concoct the official story of 911. Maybe Ellison arranged for Beamer to be on United Flight 93 for the sole purpose of providing a hero for the 911 story. Pepper8217s Ghost is an illusionary technique used in theater and in some magic tricks. Using a plate glass and special lighting techniques, this technique can make objects seem to appear or disappear, or make one object seem to morph into another, i. e. aircraft slamming into buildings. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Using this technique how do we know what we are seeing on television are the actual events taking place and are not created using pepper8217s ghost, e. g. 911 events, catastrophes, bombings. Pickton Pig Farm was the farm of Robert William Pickton of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia who was a Canadian Pig farmer and serial killer convicted of the second-degree murders of six women. He was also charged in the deaths of an additional twenty women many of them prostitutes and drug users from Vancouver8217s Downtown East side. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: During this reign of filth and slaughter in Port Couitlam, British Columbia, a short distance from the airport, were women and possibly even children being used in the filming of snuff films at the Pickton Pig Farm and these films exported via the Ku band to Chicago where they could be spliced into horror films viewed through the Scream network on television How do you know what it is you are actually seeing on television Were these snuff films than used to extort and blackmail anyone who attended the Piggy Palace Good Times Society rage parties Evidence suggests the mortgage for the Piggy Good Times Society was held by the liberal Canadian Government. The Piggy Palace Good Times Society was a registered charity run by Robert Pickton and his brother, David Francis Pickton. It was a non-profit society whose official mandate was to organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups in British Columbia, Canada. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Hawks Caf believes the Piggy Palace Good Times Society had a studio set up on this facility and videos were backhauled as snuff films of these killings and later used for extortion and blackmail. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Department or Ministry of Justice in Canada to move saboteurs and assassins through organizations like ALPA. Hawks Caf believes this software was stolen and translated into French and is being used contrary to its intended purpose since PROMIS has the ability to track people. It is alleged Promis was given to Canada and converted to the use of defendants lawyers. This allowed for the opportunity for Canada to become a base for saboteurs and assassins and to get inside the presidential chain of command and the Federal Aviation and ALPA for that matter, and place saboteurs and assassins inside the American mainland and its international communications systems around the world. The question then becomes, were saboteurs and assassins paid out of the Chicago futures markets like the Chicago Board of Trade or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Proroguing Parliament is a term used to describe a period of time between two sessions of a legislative body when there are no elected representatives in place, or no elected organization in place, to take care of in this case, Canada8217s response in the event that for example, the Olympic Games in Vancouver would be attacked. Canada8217s Parliament wouldn8217t be in session to effectively respond to such an attack. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: 12288 If for example there was a message past out over Charlotte8217s Web to their intelligence services, that if the Canadian Government didn8217t for example, sign onto to the 350ppm of carbon dioxide emissions in Copenhagen, then there would be an attack on the Olympic venue where potentially athletes, citizens and government officials in attendance would be killed. The QRS-11 GyroChip sensor is used on commercial aircraft to rotate the antenna to receive signals from satellites for the in-flight entertainment system, radar tracking and flight controls. If the aircraft is equipped with an uninteruptible autopilot, signals can be received from a satellite to remotely fly the aircraft. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The sensor provides stabilization, flight control, and guidance. It also is used in missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and other military as well as space and industrial applications. Because of the sensitive nature of its military applications, the export of the technology is regulated. Quo Warranto is Latin for 8220by what warrant and is a prerogative writ requiring the person to whom it is directed to show what authority he has for exercising some right or power (or franchise) he claims to hold. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: In this meaning by what warrant (Quo Warranto) does the Senior Executive Service have in executing the prerogatives of the US Government in policy and law The Radical lesbian ( lesbiennes radicales ) movement, or (FLR) began in France in 1980 and became organized in 1981 under the name Front des lesbiennes Radicales . FORENSIC ECONOMICS: It is thought this lesbiennes radicals network has moved into positions of power and extreme influence in Washington including corporations such as Femme Comp Inc. Raytheon is a major American defense contractor and industrial corporation with core manufacturing concentrations in defense systems and defense and commercial electronics. Raytheon manufactured the A3 Skywarrior aircraft. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: It is alleged a Raytheon A3 Skywarrior modified drone firing a Maverick missile hit the Pentagon on 911 killing the on duty officer Captain Gerald DeConto in the US Naval Command Center at 09:37. Reinsurance is the practice of insurers transferring portions of risk portfolios to other parties by some form of agreement in order to reduce the likelihood of having to pay a large obligation resulting from an insurance claim. The intent of reinsurance is for an insurance company to reduce the risks associated with underwritten policies by spreading risks across alternative institutions. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: 12288As an insurer of the Twin Towers, financial protection would be needed so that in the event for example, both towers came down (this would be a parametric cat bond) on the same day, losses could be kept at a minimum. This type of insurance where risk is spread out is called 8216reinsurance.8217 This type of insurance protection would be required for example if both twin towers came down on the same day otherwise there would no way to cover the huge insurance losses if both buildings did come down. From an investor8217s point of view, in order to make an enormous amount of money, criminals need to persuade the investors that the possibility of both towers coming down on the same day was extremely unlikely. Northwestern University in Chicago, the board of trustees, which include the chairman of AON Corporation, alleges Hawks Caf, think they sold to the international market an extremely low probability that both planes - both buildings would come down on 911. And therefore the international investment community put a lot of money in what8217s called escrow believing that it wouldn8217t happen. The Rose Law Firm is the law firm where Hillary Clinton was employed. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Taking the unabomb campaign as the primary example, patented devices it is asserted were run out of Chicago and apparently the saboteurs and assassins were rewarded with profits from futures contracts for example, the future contract for insurance on a plane that was destroyed which obviously can represent a huge amount of money. It can be observed that a patent lawyer operating in a position of trust at that time in 1979 was just been made a partner of the Rose Law Firm. It is alleged as a patent lawyer, Hillary Clinton, at the Rose Law Firm was the patent lawyer who handled the patent for the QRS 11 Gyro chip. The Sabre Reservation System is a computer reservations systemglobal distribution system (GDS) used by airlines, railways, hotels, travel agents and other travel companies. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The assertion here is, or the connection, did McDonald Detwiler amp Associates plug into the Sabre Reservation System to gain access to high value targets such as retired Major General Wherley, the Air Force general who scrambled F-16 fighters on the morning of 911, who along with his wife died of their injuries suffered on June 22nd, 2009 on a Metro train in Washington This train wreck was the deadliest rail crash in the history of the capitals Metrorail system. When the train crashed a faulty automatic system was thought responsible. Was a catastrophe bond triggered for insurance on this train wreck Or Beverley Eckert who was killed on Colgen 3407 on a Bombardier aircraft herself being a high value target Rules for Radicals was written by Saul Alinsky. Saul Alinsky8217s said, 8220the best way to take down an enemy is to personalize.8221 Saul Alinsky described Al Capone as a public utility. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Saul Alinsky was the mentor of Hilary Clinton, Bernardine Dohrn, Barack Obama and many other people surrounding and directly related to Chicago. Senior Executive Service (SES) members serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. For a qualitative comparison example, SES members working in the U. S. Department of Defense (DoD) have status equivalent to general or admiral rank of their uniformed counterparts. In general, SES members are the major link between the Presidential appointees and the rest of the Federal (civil service) work force in about 75 Federal agencies. The Senior Executive Service (SES) was established by Title IV of the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) of 1978 (P. L. 95-454, October 13, 1978) and became effective on July 13, 1979.12288 FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Since the development of the Senior Executive Service since 1979 to its present situation today, for all intensive purposes it runs the American Government. Are the senior executives of Senior Executive Service of which there consists of approximately 7,000 SES people running the US Government utilizing Charlotte8217s Web for encrypted communications as is alleged by Hawks Cafe, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger Simulation Game Administration 8212On the morning of 911 there was a simulation game going on and this game had what are referred to as 8216simulation administrators8217, one was Carlton Bartels (Co2e Co2 extortion) at the top of the North Tower and Robert Oxoby at the University of Calgary in Canada. It was a simulated attack on the United States and a simulated attempt to overthrow the government. And these people thought that they had control of the simulation game as simulation administrators and remember, this is a computer game FORENSIC ECONOMICS: 12288 There was one person in Calgary in Alberta, Canada who believed he had control of the simulation game and his name is Robert Oxoby, he8217s a professor in economics at the University of Calgary. There was another person on the morning of 911 who thought he had control of the simulation exercise for trading in carbon dioxide and he was working in the North Tower and his name was Carlton Bartels. He is the inventor of the software that allows for a simulation story to be put out on the mainstream media for example, and see what effect it has on the value put on carbon dioxide. What is thought happened on 911 is that this simulation game was hacked into taking the simulation game to a live and very deadly scenario. Is it possible the passwords of the legitimate systems administrators like Carlton Bartels in the North Tower and Professor Robert Oxoby at the University of Calgary, were stolen and the game taken over and switched it from a simulated game, where people were bidding on the right to breath out carbon dioxide to a real game where the value of the carbon dioxide went up because the people who were playing the game suddenly realized that their friends were getting killed SMACSONIC is a visco-elastic layer recently developed by SMAC to reduce vibrations and induced noise created by a structure. This material which is claimed to be a modified rocket fuel, is an effective, light and compact high tech insulation against thermal, sound and vibration used in airplanes, helicopters, vehicles, electronic containers, machines, trains and possibly buildings. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Under normal operating temperatures as SMACSONIC is designed to function in is a highly effective insulation, however, if detonated for example by an incendiary, SMACSONIC burns at 5800 degrees and is alleged to have been used in the Twin Towers as insulation surrounding the elevator shafts after the elevators were upgraded prior to 911. SMACSONIC is also used in Boeing, Bombadier and Airbus aircraft as an insulating material. The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division of the United States Central Intelligence Agency8217s (CIA) National Clandestine Service (NCS) responsible for covert operations, black operations and other special activities. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: It is alleged Henry Bienen at Northwestern University in Chicago was operating in the Special Operations Division of the CIA formerly the Office of Strategic Services. Supermax Prison (ADX Colorado)8212The United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) is a supermax prison in unincorporated Fremont County, Colorado, United States, just south of Florence, Colorado opened in 1994. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: This prison currently holds Robert Hanssen. probably one of the most dangerous spies ever arrested in the United States and an alumnus of Northwestern University in Chicago. Hanssen stole the continuity of government codes and passed them onto the enemies of the United States. The unabomber Ted Kaczynski is also incarcerated at the Supermax Prison in Colorado. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Were these pension funds invested in cat bonds taken out by insurers and reinsurers prior to 911 Are professors compromised by their pensions, e. g. Michael Mann at Penn State University related to climategate Thermate is a variation of thermite and is an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that can generate short bursts of very high temperatures focused on a small area for a short period of time. It is used primarily in incendiary grenades. FORENSIC12288ECONOMICS: A combination of nano-powder (Al) and rust (Fe2O3) will result in thermite. Thermite and sulfurcopper as an igniter will result in thermate which can reach a temperature of 4300 Fahrenheit in 4 seconds and liquefies steel. The Iraq Survey Group (ISG) 2003-2004 report indicated 66 tons of missing aluminum powder from Iraq stores. Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of a metal powder and a metal oxide, which produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction. Most varieties are not explosive, but can create short bursts of extremely high temperatures focused on a very small area for a short period of time. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: A combination of nano-powder (Al) and rust (Fe2O3) will result in thermite. Thermite and sulfurcopper as an igniter will result in thermate which can reach a temperature of 4300 Fahrenheit in 4 seconds and liquefies steel. The Iraq Survey Group (ISG) 2003-2004 report indicated 66 tons of missing aluminum powder and 356 tons of ammonium perchlorate from Iraq stores. TRIPS. The WTOs Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs ), particularly Article 27, is occasionally referenced in the political debate on the international legal framework for the patentability of software, and on whether software and computer-implemented inventions should be considered as a field of technology. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Have the Crown Sisters used TRIPS on Oracle to launder dope, arms and slave trafficking money, recover debts and fund contract hits Did Kristine Marcy and Miriam Clegg designed TRIPS to run online for 911 The assertion here is that the Crown Agents Sisters8217have used TRIPS8482 customs, tax and integrated-revenue network to reward sex-spy entrapment experts and Livery Company associates for a short-selling attack on British Petroleum (BP) shares allegedly coordinated with the April 20 murders (contract hits) of 11 workers on Transoceans Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. Are they also using TRIPS to fund rendition and training of spies such as Anna Chapman in tradecrafts such as sexual entrapment, identity theft and black and white propaganda. Evidence exists that former MI5 chief Manningham-Buller, used Crown Agents8217 TRIPS funds and Livery Company transport to produce a BBC snuff-film on 911 which, Hawks Vafe, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger suggest, had the same M. O. as the London Underground bomb attack of July 7, 2005 (8216778217), the latter allegedly coordinated by sex-spy Anna Chapman, formerly employed at NetJets, Barclays Bank and the Navigator Hedge Fund. Crown Agents TRIPS is a backdoor into the Oracle Partner network, includes NetJets, Netflix and Menzies Aviation (Sam Cam), so the Sisters can move virtual hit teams and weapons through FC-KU crime scenes. The Unabomber (University and Airline Bomber ) was Theodore John Kaczynski, an American mathematician and social critic who was charged with carrying out a campaign of deadly mail bombings. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Alleged to have been started by the alumni of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 1979. Alleged to mean 8216university8217 and 8216airline8217 launched out of Northwestern University in Chicago to take control of the airline industry. The first mail bomb was sent in late May 1978 to materials engineering professor Buckley Crist at Northwestern University in Chicago. The question remains, was this campaign engineered to take over the airline and university systems by blackmail and extortion Hawks Caf has looked at the characteristics of the munitions used in the unabombing and their development over the 1979 to 1995 time frame when Ted Kaczynski was arrested. What has been carefully observed is a very sophisticated machinery or use of patented technology that characterized more of a blue color aircraft mechanic rather than a very advanced thinker at the university level. Video Furnace is software which provides a secure, easy to use, simple to deploy, end-to-end system for encoding and distributing live video to computers and set top boxes for creating scheduled playback channels for enterprise TV and signage, and for recording content and delivering video on demand. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: The location where simulations were being conducted was at the Northwestern University in Chicago using this software package called 8216Video Furnace 8217 used in real time editing of news on 91 for example. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) was apparently set up by Maurice Strong under the International Civil Aviation Organization headquartered in Montreal, Canada. The nine Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers located around the world are responsible for coordinating and disseminating information on volcanic ash that may endanger aircraft that fly through the ash cloud formed from a volcanic eruption. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Hawks CAFE believes Maurice Strong and Colonel Russell Williams 8211 the recently-arrested former commander of Camp Mirage 8211 developed the Montreal-based Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre to support virtual-weather and murder-for-hire services for the alumni and faculty of Northwestern University and its Kellogg School of Management. Our KSM agents have evidence that Kellogg alumni used hypothetical model runs and weather simulations generated by the Montreal VAAC network and an airborne internet (Charlottes Web) to disrupt security systems of U. S. command centers during the attacks of 911. The Met Office virtual volcanic ash (fairy dust) decoy-and-drone maneuvers used to kill Charles 8216Chic8217 Burlingame III on 911, were allegedly developed and tested by staff at Canadas Camp Mirage in Dubai whose former commander Colonel Russell Williams is currently in jail facing charges relating to what we believe is a typical Bullingdonian crime of filming oneself (and others) raping and killing ones victims and smashing up their property. Why the Dog Didn8217t Bark 8212The Sherlock Holmes story of why the dog didn8217t bark. The dog didn8217t bark because the owner of the home broke into his own house. The analogy is appreciated greatly, no FORENSIC ECONOMICS: Considering the destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon including the murder of approximately 3,000 people on 911, the first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history, the presence of evidence and the absence of evidence is critically important. So the absence of evidence, Abel Danger alleges, think this is a Sherlock Holmes story about the about the dog that didn8217t bark here Looking at 911 there8217s a whole bunch of government organizations that are not barking. The reason government organizations are not barking is because they are terrified because just like a dog when terrified it will crawl away with its tail between its legs and whimper. Wendy Burlingame was the daughter and only child of Captain Charles 8216Chic8217 Burlingame, Captain of American Airlines Flight 77. Wendy Burlingame died in a fire in her apartment in which law enforcement officials called suspicious. FORENSIC ECONOMICS: 12288 Five years after her father8217s plane crashed into the Pentagon in the Sept. 11 8220terrorist attacks8221, Wendy Burlingame was found dead in a fire at the Galaxy Towers apartment complex in Guttenberg, N. J. The allegation is that Wendy Burlingame did not accept the official explanation of her father8217s death refusing to believe her father would allow two box cutter-totting 8216Islamic8217 patsies to break into the cockpit of his aircraft. Justin Trudeau gives provinces until 2018 to adopt carbon price plan Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has given provinces until 2018 to adopt a carbon pricing scheme, or the federal government will step in and impose a price. Trudeau said the government will set an initial Justin Trudeau gives provinces until 2018 to adopt carbon price plan Announcement surprises, frustrates some environment ministers meeting in Montreal Kathleen Harris CBC News Posted:Oct 03, 2016 11:34 AM ET Last Updated:Oct 03, 2016 4:56 PM ET Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers a speech at the start of the Paris climate agreement debate in the House of Commons Monday, announcing a floor carbon price of 10 a tonne by 2018, and 50 a tonne by 2022. Sean KilpatrickCanadian Press Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers a speech at the start of the Paris climate agreement debate in the House of Commons Monday, announcing a floor carbon price of 10 a tonne by 2018, and 50 a tonne by 2022. (Sean KilpatrickCanadian Press) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took provinces by surprise Monday by announcing they have until 2018 to adopt a carbon pricing scheme, or the federal government will step in and impose a price for them. A tough-talking Trudeau told MPs in the House of Commons that provinces can craft a cap-and-trade system or put a direct price on carbon pollution but it must meet the federal benchmark or floor price. If neither price nor cap and trade is in place by 2018, the government of Canada will implement a price in that jurisdiction, he said. Trudeau made the announcement in leading off parliamentary debate on the Paris climate change agreement Monday, making the case for Canada to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. Trudeau said the proposed price on carbon dioxide pollution should start at a minimum of 10 a tonne in 2018, rising by 10 each year to 50 a tonne by 2022. Trudeau outlines his climate change plan 1:34 Provinces and territories that choose a cap-and-trade system must decrease emissions in line with both Canadas target and with the reductions expected in jurisdictions that choose a price-based system. Whatever model a province chooses, Trudeau said, it will be revenue neutral for the federal government, with any revenues generated under the system staying in the province or territory where they are generated. Trudeau insisted the plan will be good for the economy, good for innovation and good for jobs. Sledgehammer approach Conservative MP and environment critic Ed Fast accused Trudeau of taking a sledgehammer approach with the provinces. Here, he lowers the boom on the provinces and said, Im not going to co-operate with you. Its my way or the highway, Fast said. Ed Fast says Trudeau took a sledge hammer to the Provinces 1:09 Green Party Leader Elizabeth May praised the Liberal governments leadership at last years climate talks, but said keeping the 2030 target set by the previous Conservative government under former prime minister Stephen Harper is incompatible with the commitments made there. How can he reconcile adopting the Paris agreement while accepting the Harper target, which will make achieving Paris impossible she asked. NDP environment critic Linda Duncan also accused the Liberals of backtracking on targets they once denounced as inadequate, weak and catastrophic. The government has signed on to the Paris agreement without a clear plan and firm measures to meet targets. Linda Duncan challenges the PM on his climate plan 2:25 Environment ministers meet Debate in the House comes as Canadas environment ministers met in Montreal to discuss collective efforts to fight climate change. Environment Minister Catherine McKenna was trying to reach a consensus with provincial and territorial ministers on a pan-Canadian plan, but is facing some fierce pushback on a national carbon-pricing scheme. Upset ministers from Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador walked out of the meeting early after getting word of Trudeaus plan. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall was incensed that Trudeau would make the announcement as his minister pushed a collaborative plan with the provinces. The level of disrespect shown by the prime minister and his government today is stunning, he said in a statement. This is a betrayal of the statements made by the prime minister in Vancouver this March. And this new tax will damage our economy. Wall said that Saskatchewan will investigate all options to mitigate the impact of one of the largest national tax increases in Canadian history. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said she supports the principle of a common price on carbon, but could not yet embrace the amounts laid out today. Any targets must come hand-in-hand with energy projects like pipelines, she said during an interview on CBC News Networks Power amp Politics. We think it needs to happen concurrently with concrete action on energy infrastructure and in particular on getting a pipeline to tidewater, she told host Rosemary Barton. Applause for plan Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard applauded the federal plan. We believe its good, and its not going to affect the functioning of our trading system, he said. According to figures from Canadas Ecofiscal Commission, an independent research firm, Alberta and B. C. are the only two provinces with a direct carbon tax system. Inuit call for greater role in climate plan talks 6:44 Albertas phased-in regime will be 20 a tonne by January 2017 and 30 a tonne one year later. B. C. Premier Christy Clark has promised to hike the current 30-per-tonne price on carbon. Ontario and Quebec have cap-and-trade systems, but neither province is on track to meet federal targets. Pricing plans Quebecs current estimated equivalent price is about 16.40 per tonne, and is expected to climb to 18 per tonne by 2020 Ontarios plan would have an estimated equivalent price of 19.40 per tonne by 2020, according to Canadas Ecofiscal Commission. But a statement from Ontarios Environment Minister Glenn Murray said the province is on course to achieve its 2020 target (15 per cent below 1990 levels) and has legislated targets for 2030 (37 per cent below 1990 levels) and 2050 (80 per cent below 1990 levels). He called Trudeaus announcement a positive step for Canadas effort. We remain firmly committed to establishing our carbon market, linking with Quebec and California and growing carbon markets both in Canada and around the world in an effort to fight climate change, he said.

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